Companies/language schools/research institutions in Trieste, Italy and before 2005 in Galați, Romania
Have taught general, Business and Legal English, English for Logistics, English for Finance and Banking, English for Architecture and Design, English for IT, English phonetics and pronunciation.
Examiner for the International Professional English Certificate of the British Chamber of Commerce in Italy, Milan, 2009 –now, at C1/C2 and B2 levels.
Camera di Commercio, Piazza della Borsa 14, Trieste, 2010 – now. Have taught various Business, Shipping, Logistics and general English courses that I designed for the Chamber of Commerce. Levels from A1 to C1, from 200 to 400 hours per year.
Tergestea spedizioni, Via del Canale Piccolo, 2, Trieste, 2008 – now. Company courses. Business English, English for Shipping and Logistics, from A2 to C1 (150 hours per year).
Terminal Intermodale Fernetti spa, Trieste – 2011 – now, three groups of employees A1/B2/Business English C1 level (120 hours) in 2011/2012 and two groups of employees in 2014 (80 hours)
Wall Street English, Trieste, 2010 – now. English courses according to the Wall Street English method, in charge of preparing social clubs on British English and American English Phonetics. Have taught general and business English classes level A1 to C1 and designed lesson plans and social club activities (200 hours per year)
Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste, March – May 2014. Business English at B2 level for the project “Gestire una PMI in tempo di crisi: strumenti per la competitività dell’impresa” (20 hours)
METRO SRL, Trieste, 2011 – 2014: 4 company courses 40 hours each, for two levels B1 (Intermediate English) and C1 (Business English)
Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste, November 2013 – January 2014. English for Architecture B2 B2 level for the project “Tecniche di modellazione digitale e prototipazione rapida: dal concept alla simulazione di prodotto” (20 hours)
Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste, November 2013 – January 2014. English for IT and Design, B2 level, for the project “Tecniche di progettazione e sviluppo di applicazioni mobile” (20 hours)
Area Science Park, Padriciano 99, Trieste, March – June 2013. Business English at B2 level for the project “Gestire la crisi: strumenti per la competitività delle PMI” (20 hours)
Samer & Co Shipping, Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia 7, Trieste, March – June 2013. English for Logistics (30 hours)
Alberti srl, Trieste, June – September 2012, a 40-hour company course at C1 level
The Italo American Association, Trieste, April/May 2010. Legal English course – The Law in the U.K and the U.S.A, from Labour Law to the Law of Tort (30 hours)
Danieli s.p.a., Udine, April 2010. Legal English course – Drafting Contracts in English (20 hours)